#EventReport #privateevent
Merah Project Presents: SSHHH2.0 Launch Party 現代紅花会之夜
@ Merah Project JB, JB Town.
( Supporting by SONY Malaysia & NANLITE)
When I open the hidden vending machine Door and go up the stairs, I surprised to find a large, Instagrammable space!
There are both a nice café and a Lucky Cat concept bar.
From the outside I didn't realise how big the place was!
I was invited to a private event and attended from around 10pm.
SONY cameras were lent out, cosplay models posed for photos, we had delicious food and cocktails, and finally a silent disco with headphones.
On the terrace of the restaurant, they also had cats that lived there during the lockdown and had a baby.
The homemade mooncakes and other souvenirs are very nice and looks tasty.
It was great to see some friends and I felt comfortable with the heart-warming hospitality of the owners and their staff.
The name of the place, Merah, means 'red' in Malay and I wore red clothes and shoes in Merah respect fashion.
The name of the restaurant has a meaning: Multidisciplanry, Engaging, Resourceful, Ambitious, Hearty.
The space is stylish, a bit retro, warm and can be used in many ways, so I would like to drop by again for a meal or a drink.
Thank you for the invitation!
Merah Kitchen & Bar
自動販売機の隠れドアを開けて上がると、instagramable な大きなスペース。落ち着ける雰囲気の良いカフェも、招き猫コンセプトバーもあって驚きました。外から見た限りではこんな広いお店だとは思いませんでした!
店名のMerahはマレー語で「赤」。Merahリスペクトファッションで赤い服と靴で行きました。店名には意味があって、「Multidisciplanry, Engaging, Resourceful, Ambitious, Hearty」とのこと。
Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review
#merahproject #merahkitchenandbar #luckycat #luckycatbar #sonymalaysia #jbtown #barjb #cafehoppingjb #invitation #johorbahru #malaysia #ジョホールバル生活 #マレーシア移住
MERAH Kitchen & Bar #EventReport #privateevent #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #merahproject #merahkitchenandbar #luckycat #luckycatbar #SonyMalaysia #JbTown #barjb #cafehoppingjb #invitation #johorbahru #malaysia #ジョホールバル生活 #マレーシア移住