Chef chef cafe @ mount austin
Western casual restaurant.
They also have catering service.
Lunch set and Dinner set is only RM8.9 include juice.
"Golden chef 5 layer sandwich"RM10.9 !
https://www.facebook.com/chefchefcafe |
2015-09-14 09:22:13 |
2019-07-23 06:45:51 |
["Kukup 海晶海鲜楼"]
海晶海鮮楼@kukup (番外編)
Food is Halal
Seafood restaurant in Kukup.
Butter Crayfish prawn is nice.
9 person total RM167.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kukup-%E6%B5%B7%E6%99%B6%E6%B5%B7%E9%B2%9C%E6%A5%BC/203974382959080 |
2015-09-13 13:20:27 |
2019-07-23 06:45:51 |
緑馨点心@taman gaya
Non Halal
Dim sum restaurant.
小籠包RM8.9, 雲呑麺RM6.5
https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E7%BC%98%E9%A6%A8%E7%82%B9%E5%BF%83-Lee-Kee-FB/1513677522248509 |
2015-09-12 10:57:48 |
2019-07-23 06:45:51 |
["Baystreet 66 Austin branch"]
Bay Street 66 cafe @ mount austin
Non Halal
There are 2 outlets in Mount austin and Johor Jaya.
They have also morning set and lunch set. morning 8:30 open.
アイスの付くランチセットやお手頃のモーニングセットがあるカフェ。フレンチトーストセットRM6.9. お粥もおいしい。
https://www.facebook.com/baystreet66austin |
2015-09-11 08:33:15 |
2019-07-23 06:45:51 |
Hilltop restaurant @ Star hill golf resort
Restaurant in golf club. No member also can enjoy meals.
All hand made, fresh indegrents.
Wednesday is lady's day. 10%off +dessert service.
Hamburg set RM34. Hamburg and Spaghetti set RM44.
http://starhill-golf.com/dining-and-lounging/hilltop-restaurant/#prettyPhoto |
2015-09-10 09:59:02 |
2019-07-23 06:45:51 |