Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review

2023-06-10 09:16:20

#malaysiasouvenir #malaysiagoodpeoducts

#malaysiasouvenir #malaysiagoodpeoducts
-Malaysian Souvenirs to Take to Japan-

During the summer vacation months of July and August in Japan, many Japanese living in Malaysia temporarily return home.
Since I also will be returning to Japan for the first time in a year, I procured some souvenirs to hand out to my friends.
The standard souvenirs that Japanese buy in Malaysia are tea bags made by BOH Tea and Cameron Valley .Tea bags are lightweight and last for a long time.
Batik-patterned hair accessories from tanganjewellery are also lightweight and cute, and are bought in bulk.
Lavender Bakery Malaysia and Oriental Kopi 华阳 ‘s pineapple tarts are also good.

The best souvenir of the moment is Benns Chocolates! I have been a fan of this company for a long time. Thanks to the efforts of Wilfred, the president of the company, and others, these delicious, high quality, healthy chocolates are now made from cacao grown in Malaysia!
They have succeeded in purchasing cacao from farmers at a fair price and gathering quantities. They have succeeded in selling these high quality chocolates at a common price, which is easy to buy at supermarkets! (Sold online at shopee, Lazada, as well as in supermarkets at Bens, Village Grocer, and Aeon.) You can choose by your preferred cocoa content, or with almonds or cashews.
They have won international awards and of course taste delicious.
They come in many individual packages, so you can give them out to many people.
I'm thinking of refilling my batik-patterned containers and giving them away as souvenirs!


Shopee: https://shp.ee/y79dwxn
Lazada: https://s.lazada.com.my/s.g7zCA


日本人が購入するマレーシアの定番土産は、軽くて日持ちする、紅茶のティーバッグ。BOH製やCameron Valley製をよく買います。バティック柄のシュシュも軽くて可愛くてまとめ買い。”Lavender” や “Oriental Kopi” のパイナップルタルトもいいですね。

そして今最もおすすめなお土産はこれ!Bennsチョコレート!以前からこの会社のファンです。社長のWilfred氏をはじめ、企業努力により、これらのおいしくて上質でヘルシーなチョコレートは、現在はマレーシア産のカカオから作られています!農家から適正な価格でカカオを仕入れ、量を集めることに成功。上質なチョコレートなのに、スーパーなどで購入しやすい、一般的な価格で販売することを実現しました!(オンラインのshopee, Lazadaの他、スーパーではBens, Village Grocer, Aeonでも販売。)好みのカカオ含有量で選ぶこともできるし、アーモンドやカシューナッツ入りも販売。国際的な賞も受賞していて、もちろん味もおいしい。

Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review
#malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー

#benns #chocolate #malaysiacacao #malaysiachocolate #vegan #halal #malaysiasouvenir #マレーシア土産 #おみやげ #マレーシアカカオ #マレーシアチョコレート #マレーシア移住 #一時帰国

BOH Tea Cameron Valley tanganjewellery Lavender Bakery Malaysia Oriental Kopi 华阳 Malaysia Review マレーシアレビュー #malaysiasouvenir #malaysiagoodpeoducts #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #benns #chocolate #malaysiacacao #malaysiachocolate #vegan #halal #malaysiasouvenir #マレーシア土産 #おみやげ #マレーシアカカオ #マレーシアチョコレート #マレーシア移住 #一時帰国