
Tiffin Musical Mural Charity Night
Organised by Jeiwa
@ Grand Straits Garden, Legend Park, City Plaza, JB
× Pianist : Kok Kee Boon
× Venue Owner & Artist: Bruce Lee

My friend introduced me, I attended this event.
Grand Straits Garden, a long-established seafood Chinese restaurant that relocated and opened about a month ago in Legend Park, which is located in the heart of the city but is still a hidden gem.
This is a truly luxurious event where you can enjoy delicious Chinese food and listen to a performance by pianist Kok Kee Boon in this one-of-a-kind space.

The beautiful tiffins on display and for sale were made by the NGO Jeiwa.
Since its establishment in October 2015, the NGO, known as JEIWA, which stands for the Johor Empowerment of Intellectual Women Association, has been working to help DV victims and women in need of support regain their confidence and develop the skills to contribute to their communities again.
The NGO paints and sells tiffins as part of its activities. (Currently 60 people are making them.)
In addition to this, JEIWA is continuously involved in charity and various projects in which women are active, and JEIWA is now a permanent member and presenter at the World Women's Conference, an annual international-level event.
Ina Fadilah, the president of JEIWA, is a friendly, passionate, charming, and attractive woman who told us that "it is all about relationships.”
I was surprised to learn that she is the portrait on the packaging of Hershey's chocolates, a symbol of a wonderful Malaysian woman.
Her dream for the near future is to operate a glamping resort as Jeiwa and offer a nice, traditional, and sustainable stay by reducing waste with her own products such as Tiffin.

The venue for this event was a unique space in JB. I quite like the chaotic beauty of this place.
All the murals and paintings were painted by owner Bruce Lee during the Corona period. The space is a mix of Western and Chinese, classic and modern, gorgeous and chic, and everything else is "in my head," he says.
Chinese food here is wonderful!
I will write more about this restaurant soon.

016-737 7022

Jeiwa Online Shop

Grand Straits Garden Seafood

街の中心部にありつつ穴場なLegend Parkの中に、1ヶ月ほど前に移転オープンした老舗のシーフード中華レストラン「Grand Straits Garden」。その唯一無二な空間で、おいしい中華をいただきながら、ピアニストのKok Kee Boon氏による演奏を聴くというなんとも贅沢なイベント。

2015年10月の設立以来、JEIWA(Johor Empowerment of Intellectual Women Associationの略称)として知られるこのNGOは、DV被害者や支援が必要な女性が自信を取り戻し、再び地域社会に貢献できるスキルを身につけるための活動として、ティフィンの絵付けをし、販売しています。(現在60名が制作しているそう。)
代表のIna Fadilah 氏は、気さくでパッションに溢れ、チャーミングで魅力的な女性で、「すべて人との関わりが大事だ」と話してくれました。

壁画や絵などは全て、オーナーのBruce Lee氏がコロナの時期に描いたそう。西洋風、中華風、クラシックだったりモダンだったりゴージャスやシックや、全てがミックスされた空間は、「僕の頭の中」だそうです。

#jeiwa #charityevent #tiffin #InaFardilah #BruceLee #KokKeeBoon #grandstraitsgarden #legendpark #johorbahru #マレーシア移住 #ジョホールバル生活 #チャリティーイベント #ティフィン