#barPenang #hotelpenang
FARQUHAR'S BAR @ Eastern and Oriental Hotel, Penang
No Pork, No Lard
Founded in 1885, the Eastern and Oriental Hotel has a 140-year tradition.The Sarkies brothers, founders of this iconic hotel in the World Heritage Site of George Town, are also the founders of the Raffles Hotel in Singapore.
Housed in a beautiful white colonial-style building, FARQUHAR'S BAR is decorated in oak and brass with antique furnishings, and combines a classic bar counter with a refreshing sea view from the windows.
The signature gin-based, longan-scented "Gin Setengah" cocktail is available only here, and was a favorite of the establishment's founder 140 years ago, making it a romantic menu item.
The restaurant opens at 12:00 noon, making it ideal for lunch as well as dinner. Duck pasitees, large chicken satay, and melted Gruyère cheese sandwiches. All were sophisticated and very tasty.
My photos:
- Gin Setengah RM58
( London Dey Gin, Grand Marnier, Longan, Splash of Pineapple Juice)
-Jumbo chicken Satay RM42
-Five Spiced Duck Pie Tie RM58
-Gruyère Cheese Sandwich RM42
-Food Menu
@eohotelpg @farquhars_bar
Opening hours: 12pm-12am Daily
(contact Farquhar's Bar from 10am to 6pm)
+016 419 8379 / +016 419 8923
Call: +604 222 2151
[email protected]
コロニアル様式の美しい白亜の建物にあるFARQUHAR'S BARは、オーク材と真鍮を使い、アンティークの調度品で飾られ、クラシックな雰囲気のバーカウンターと、窓からのシービューの爽やかさを併せ持つ空間。
シグネイチャーのジンベースでロンガンの香る”Gin Setengah”はここだけでいただけるカクテル。140年前から創業者も好んで飲んでいたロマン溢れるメニューです。
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