Universal Bakehouse at The Campus, Ampang @ Ampang, KL
No Pork, No Lard
Today New Open!
The long-awaited and delicious Universal Bakehouse is now open at The Campus, a commercial complex in Ampang!
The Campus is a former international school building that has been renovated into a commercial facility. With many cafes and other shops. Currently, only Qra supermarket and a few other stores are open, but more and more stores are opening.
Universal Bakehouse is a bakery that has a reputation for having the best sourdough in Malaysia. The main store is located in Damansara Kim, Petaling Jaya.
It is my favorite bakery, and I used to travel 40 minutes to get there.
The newly opened store is only a 4-minute drive from my house. I am very happy that I can drop by and that they open at 8am.
Universal Bakehouse @ The Campus, Ampang
@universal_bakehouse @thecampusampang
Opening hours: 8am-8pm
Lot 7706, Jalan Kolam Air Lama, Mukim, Hulu Kelang, 68000 Ampang
待ちに待った美味しいパン屋さん Universal Bakehouse がAmpang の商業施設 The Campus にオープン!
The Campus はインターナショナルスクールだった校舎を改装した商業施設。たくさんのカフェなどが入ります。現在はスーパーマーケットのQraと数店舗のみ開いていますが、続々とオープン。
Universal Bakehouse はサワードゥがマレーシアでベストの美味しさだという評判が高いパン屋さん。ペタリンジャヤのDamansara Kim に本店がありますが、私はここが1番好きなパン屋で、わざわざ40分かけて行っていました。