User: jbgourmet

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To Malaysian Boss Friends Japan starting to accept tourist in June! I will stay in Tokyo for 3weeks in July. For the first time 2 years 5 months ! During my stay in Japan, I will provide you Secretary service. Make appointment with Japanese company, attend meetings, translation to Japanese, etc. I will be your Secretary or Tour Guide. I will assist to be success for your business trip. Please share to your friends having interest Japan trip. If you have interest, feel free to contact me. I will send detail and quotation! Term: 4 to 22 July 2022 ※service provide on weekdays only Venue: Basically in Tokyo. Another place need transportation fee and accommodations. Fee (example): -Make appointment RM100/per company -Attend meeting 4hour RM400〜 Contact: Yoshiko (by messenger. Will send you WhatsApp) 2022-05-09 05:08:49 2022-05-09 19:05:36
["Malaysia Review マレーシアレビュー","#malaysiareview","#マレーシアレビュー","#meijisushijb","#meijisushi","#sushi","#sashimi","#donburi","#ricebowl","#newopen","#aburiengawa","#salmon","#wagyudon","#iamjapanese","#johorbahru","#malaysia","#singapore","#MountAustin","#明治水産","#寿司","#マレーシア生活"] Meiji Sushi 明治水産 @ Mount Austin, JB No Pork, No Lard New Open ! “Life’s Too Short To Eat Bad Sushi”. This is words on Top menu page of this restaurant. Yes. I agree. They have Kaiten Sushi, Sashimi, Japanese dishes and Big Rice Bowl.( Very photogenic Rice bowls!!) The Price range is middle to slightly high side. I went there with Japanese friends. After eat, we all became happy. Not only fish, but also Sushi rice (They use Koshihikari rice) is good condition and tasty. If they keep this quality and price, we will come again. My recommend item is “ Aburi Kaiser Don”. It’s so good! “Salmon Oyako Don” and “Australia Wagyu Don.” Also good! Tuna is little bit watery. My Photo: -Aburi Kaisen Don RM56.8 -Salmon Oyako Don RM58.8 -Australia Wagyu Don RM68.8 -Meiji Kaisen Chirashi RM48.8 Meiji Sushi 明治水産 Off day: Monday Opening Hours: 12pm-3pm, 6pm-9pm Tel: 010-766-0077 (※Walk in Only. No take reservation ) Address: 20, Jalan Austin Heights 8/4, Taman Mount Austin ニューオープン。オースティンのショップロットにできた、ローカル経営の回転寿司と丼のお店。中級から少しお高めくらいの価格帯。まずメニュー表が、とても美味しそうな写真ばかりで魅力的。 どんぶりメニューを注文しましたが、お米や酢飯の感じもほどよく、具沢山で満足度の高いメニューたち。 炙り丼は9種の具が入り、大きな帆立やとろける炙りエンガワ、厚切りのサーモンなど、とてもおいしくいただけます。オーストラリア和牛がびっしり載った丼も、お肉がいい感じのロースト具合でオススメ。サーモン親子丼も具がたっぷり。明治海鮮チラシはマグロが少し水っぽいけどその他はオッケー。 この価格とクオリティを維持してくれるなら、またぜひ食べに来たいと思うお店でした。 Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review Instagram: Facebook: #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #meijisushijb #meijisushi #sushi #sashimi #donburi #ricebowl #newopen #aburiengawa #salmon #wagyudon #iamjapanese #johorbahru #malaysia #singapore #mountaustin #明治水産 #寿司 #マレーシア生活 2022-05-08 01:05:50 2022-05-08 19:04:32
["National Gallery Singapore","Malaysia Review マレーシアレビュー","#singapore","#culture","#malaysiareview","#マレーシアレビュー","#nationalgallerysingapore","#museum","#gallery","#ChildrensBiennale","#singapore","#art","#artforkids","#artforfamily","#exhibition","#singapore"] #singapore #culture Gallery Children’s Biennale @ National Gallery Singapore, Singapore Thank you Singapore! Super wonderful exhibition for kids and families! National Gallery Singapore have exhibition for kids. The theme is “Why Art Matters”. 9 artists from Singapore and Southeast Asia conceived new online interactive works and physical installations. Explore 9 rooms are so interesting. There are Many kinds of experience. See, touch, feel, draw, craft etc. I think the suitable age is 4 to 12 years old. It’s super fruitful exhibition. And Entrance fee is free!! Opening hours: 10am-7pm daily Fee: Free admission Term: until Dec 2022 Website: Facebook page シンガポールありがとう! とっても素敵な、子供のための体感できる展示会が、ナショナルギャラリーシンガポールで、2022年12月まで開催されています。 しかも入場料無料! テーマは「Why Art Matters」。シンガポールと東南アジアの9人のアーティストが、オンラインのインタラクティブ作品と物理的な作品を作り出しました。 9つの部屋を探検するのはとても面白いです。見るだけの作品も、絵を描いたり工作したりして参加できる作品もあり、じっくりと取り組むなら半日はかかりそう。 4歳から12歳くらいが最も楽しめるのではないかなと思いました。 とても充実した展覧会です。 Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review Instagram: Facebook: #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #nationalgallerysingapore #museum #gallery #childrensbiennale #singapore #art #artforkids #artforfamily #exhibition #singapore 2022-05-05 14:27:37 2022-05-05 19:06:34
["Malaysia Review マレーシアレビュー","#malaysiareview","#マレーシアレビュー","#RitzCarltonKL","#puttinontheritz","#ThePatisserie","#hiddencafe","#hotelcafe","#cafekl","#klcafe","#hotellover","#roastbeefsandwich","#cakes","#tarts","#bukitbintang","#kualalumpur"] The Patisserie @ Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur, KL No Pork, No Lard Glad I did! Found a Nice hidden café! It’s Casual cafe in Ritz Carlton KL. We can enjoy Cakes, Sandwiches, Light meals and Drinks. There are so many people in Bukit Bintang on holidays that it's tiring and crowded everywhere. There is also a queue to get into cafés. There is a well-known café in the Ritz-Carlton dedicated to afternoon tea, but there is a hidden café at the back where you can just have coffee! A beautiful space where you can relax. The cakes are so good looking and reasonably priced that you'll end up ordering cakes even if you only intend to order a drink. The beautiful cakes that change daily are RM15, and the sandwiches are also RM15-25. I ordered the roast beef sandwich as a take-away and it came with a salad. The cakes are very sweet side. Tea is served in a pot. I decide here is a regular stopover on the way to shopping in Bukit Bintang. My photos -Cakes of the day RM15 each Strawberry Short Cake Matcha Mango Cake -Coffee RM25 -Tea RM25 -Ultimate Roast Beef Butty RM25 ( Takeaway) The Patisserie at Ritz Carlton Opening hours: 11am-6pm Order:(delivery or takeaway) WhatsApp/Call +60 18 306 3188. 嬉しい!穴場カフェ発見! リッツカールトンの中にあるカジュアルカフェ。 休日のブキビンタンはものすごくたくさんの人がいて、どこも混み合っていて疲れる。 カフェに入るのも行列。 リッツカールトン内では、アフタヌーンティー専用のカフェはよく知られているけれど、コーヒーだけ飲むこともできる穴場カフェが奥にありました! ゆっくりできる美しい空間。 ドリンクだけオーダーするつもりが、ついケーキをオーダーしてしまう素敵な見た目と手頃なお値段。 日替わりの美しいケーキはRM15。サンドウィッチ類もRM15-25。 ローストビーフサンドウィッチをテイクアウェイしたら、サラダもついてきました。 ケーキはしっかり甘め。紅茶はポットでサーブ。 ここはブキビンタンでの買い物途中にいつも立ち寄る場所に決定。 Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review Instagram: Facebook: #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #RitzCarltonKL #PuttinOnTheRitz #thepatisserie #hiddencafe #hotelcafe #cafekl #klcafe #hotellover #roastbeefsandwich #cakes #tarts #bukitbintang #kualalumpur 2022-05-04 00:45:04 2022-05-04 19:06:43
["Malaysia Review マレーシアレビュー","#malaysiareview","#マレーシアレビュー","#shanghairestaurant","#jwmarriotkl","#hotelrestaurant","#nonhalal","#dimsum","#XiaoLongPao","#小籠包","#bukitbintang","#kualalumpur","#hotellover","#东坡肉"] Shanghai Restaurant @ JW Marriot, Kualalumpur, KL Non Halal Only 1 Shanghai Restaurant in KL hotels. It’s rare that hotel restaurant is Non Halal in Malaysia. From 1999, they serve authentic and premium Shanghai dishes over 20years here. We can enjoy dimsum and a la cart dishes from 10:30am on Sunday and Public holidays. Walk in guest only. Signature dish’s Xiao Long Pao 小籠包is big and juicy. Dong Po Rou 东坡肉is the best. Another my favourite is 担担面 and Crispy duck Cheong Fun腸粉. My photos: Signature dishes -Xiao Long Pao 小籠包(3pc) RM25 -Dong Po Rou 东坡肉(1pc)RM48 -Deep fry French Goose Liver Wrap in Cod(1pc) RM30 -Crispy duck Cheong Fun腸粉 RM20 -Steamed dim sum ( Siew mai/ Ha gao)RM18 -Pan fried Dumpling RM25 -Pork & Peanut Sauce Noodle 坦々麺 RM28 Opening Hours: Lunch ( No take reservations, Walk in only) Tuesday to Saturday: 12pm - 2.30pm Sunday & Public Holidays: 10.30am - 2.30pm Dinner Tuesday to Sunday: 6pm - 10pm WhatsApp: 018-591-8537 Website: Venue: JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur, Level 1. 上海料理レストラン。ブキビンタンのJWマリオットホテルにあります。クアラルンプールで上海レストランはここが唯一。さらに、ノンハラルの豚肉使用のホテルレストランというのは、マレーシアのホテルレストランではかなり珍しいです。 日曜と祝日は、朝10:30オープン。飲茶メニューもあります。ランチは予約を取っていないとのことで、10:40ごろに来たら、続々とお客が来て、帰る頃には行列ができていました。 価格帯は高級ですが質も高く満足。 シグネイチャーの小籠包や焼き餃子など、大きくてジューシーで中の肉餡は味がしっかり濃いめ。トンポーロー(豚の角煮)はベスト! 鴨の揚げ春巻きが入って腸粉もかなりいい感じ。坦々麺はほどよいスパイシーさとコクで、酸味があるタイプで麺自体もおいしかったです。また来たいお店。 Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review Instagram: Facebook: #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー #shanghairestaurant #jwmarriotkl #hotelrestaurant #nonhalal #dimsum #xiaolongpao #小籠包 #bukitbintang #kualalumpur #hotellover #东坡肉 2022-05-03 10:51:56 2022-05-03 19:06:21